The PSACC Afterschool Program seeks to uphold the Community Standards established as the code of conduct at PS 107. The Afterschool Program staff is responsible for providing a positive experience for children; however, if a child cannot live within the PS 107 Community Standards, or if a child’s behavior adversely affects the experiences of other children, a child may be dismissed from the Afterschool Program. Parents are expected to discuss the policies of the Afterschool Program with their child, and ensure their child understands that a consequence of his or her unacceptable behavior could be reason for dismissal from the Afterschool Program. We expect parents and family members to adhere to the same Community Standards as the children and our staff.
All members of the Afterschool community are expected to conduct themselves in a calm and respectful manner at all times. Family members who face an issue that cannot be resolved in an initial conversation should contact director@psafterschool for support.