Park Slope Afterschool Center Corp. (PSACC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded by PS 107 parents for the specific purpose of providing an affordable quality, out-of-school-time childcare program for PS 107 students. The program actively engages children, encouraging their cognitive, social, emotional, artistic and physical development in a safe and collaborative environment.
About PSACC: The enriching and nurturing afterschool childcare program is directed by PS 107 volunteer parents who make up thePark Slope Afterschool Center Corp. (PSACC)BoardofDirectors. It is led by dedicated PS 107 teachers and PSACC staff and provides quiet time for homework, recreation, and a wide selection of classes in the arts, sports, languages and more. The program actively engages children, encouraging their cognitive, social-emotional, artistic and physical development in a safe and collaborative environment.
The Afterschool Center is located at PS 107 and operates every full day of the school year from the first day of school to the last full day of school with the exception of half-days, parent-teacher conference sessions,New York City Department of Education school closures due to weather and other unforeseen events, and planned school event days.
Park Slope Afterschool Center Corp. (PSACC)is a separate entity from the PS 107 PTA and families are welcome to volunteer in both organizations. PSACC is grateful for the continued support of the PS 107 Principal and the entire school administration.